28 September 2010

the hari raya....

First of all,
actually i dont want to share anything about my hari raya experience,honestly...
why i saying like that because its really nothing fun in there for this year..
not just because im not celebrated with my family,everyone around me just make me get bad mood all the time...
Thinking about that,i just wasting my time in the bed sleeping,playing with my labtop and at the kfc restaurant eating...
i really do not crying during the hari raya..my parents know me well..
im really hard to crying for anything except for this year..i cried twice..
first when my lovely grandpa passed away..i cant see him anymore..his the best grandpa i ever know..making me more sad when its me the the person that he really wanna see...
second,when my sister get an accident...im really so stress about that,,after a couples a day my grandpa gone,my sister accident..
thats make me not enjoying very well the hari raya...
nothnig fun and no sweet memory that i can keep in my miind ever...

1 comment:

  1. I feel your sadness, dear Nursairi. Hopefully this Hari raya wouldn't be your worst raya experience ya. be strong, keep smiling, and look ahead of you...there's sunshine!
